- The Uttam R&D cell has designed a special Rotary screen which overcomes all problems. Designed with Australian know-how.This Rotary screen rotates at 10-12 RPM and has a fine SS 304 wedge wire screen with 0.5 mm apparatus space.This fine screen successfully segregates Bagacillo which is feed back to the millthrough chutes. allowing the juice to be taken for further processing. Uttam Rotary Screen result in faster and better screening. Which in turn improve sugar recovery. The Rotary screen also enables easier maintenance leading to a cleaner and better maintained plant. Uttams Rotary screen are available in various size and are capable of handling crushing capacity in excess of 10000 TCD.
- Design as a single screening system hence occupies lesser working area.
- Reduces Bagacillo content in screened juice, to 2-3 gm.per litre as compared to 7 to 11 gm.per litre for DSM screens.
- Fine separation leads to improve juice clarification improving sugar colour.
- Dramatic increase in sugar recovery.
- Quality of sugar recovery is very high.
- Screen is automatically cleaned by vapour/water washing preventing blockage.
- Screw conveyor can be eliminated from mill depending on layout.
- Lower consumption of lime and other chemical in clarification.
- Need lesser and simpler maintenance and lesser power requirement.
- Leads to clean Mill areas.
Pay back within one crushing season